Wednesday, July 9, 2014

(July 9) Ages 5-6: Yellow Groups A-E

In music class, some of the groups have been working on a few songs, including a new song called "Deep Down in My Heart."  We have also played a game about rhythm and taught them a little about instruments and notes.

The other group started learning 3 verses of “Jesus Loves The Little Children”, and we colored a picture of the little children sitting with Jesus.

Games & Movement: Today we're easing into telling the kids (some for the first time) the story of creation, introducing the idea of a Creator, and relating that to the animal games we're playing.

In 5-6 year old Drama (Group 2) we finished the activities on our first book "The Little Red Hen." 
We started by playing charades - each student took a turn to act out an action from the book for his/her classmates to guess. We then put on our headband masks to "get into character" in order to act out the story. The children were all fine actors and did great job!

Today in art, the Red class continued working on their paper plate chickens.  The Yellow group (6 year olds) talked about what they were thankful for and began to make Thank you cards. They used watered down paint and a straw to create an abstract painting for the cover. Tomorrow they will write a letter to a person they are thankful for.

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